THE EZRA LEVANT SHOW | Is free speech dead? My depressing day in court
I was jubilant this morning: after more than four years, I would finally be able to challenge Justin Trudeau’s censorship of my best-selling book about him, called The Libranos: What the Media Won’t Tell You About Justin Trudeau’s Corruption.
(Just by the title, you can see why he hates it!)
But as I sat alone in the massive courtroom (not a single journalist was there, nor a single civil liberties activist), I slowly felt deflated. Not because it’s a David vs. Goliath battle — I’m used to that. There were seven lawyers and bureaucrats on the government’s side; we had just one lawyer on our side.
But because Trudeau’s lawyers were so cavalier about being censors. They were just so brazen. And — what really scared me — the judge didn’t really seem to care.
The judge suggested that she really didn’t think it was a big deal for authors to be summoned by police to explain what their “plans” were for publishing political books. It wasn’t too much of an imposition, she implied.
Seriously. That’s the kind of thing that, if it happened in China or Iran, would be something we’d denounce at the United Nations!
And Trudeau’s lawyers were even worse, saying (and I’m not making this up) that “unregulated media” are a “threat to elections”. No; it’s the opposite actually. Censorship of the media is a threat to elections.
But not to the Justice Department, when it’s Justin Trudeau and his cronies running it.
I started the day excited and I ended dejected. But that’s just my feeling about things — we’ll see what the judge says when she issues her ruling in a few weeks.
But I know this: I’ll never stop fighting for free speech and other fundamental freedoms. Unfortunately, too many other people who should be fighting for freedom aren’t, so a lot of the load has fallen on us.
This week alone:
We crowdfunded Pastor Artur Pawlowski’s hearing in Lethbridge
We fought against illegal police raids in Calgary
We crowdfunded Tamara Lich’s trial in Ottawa
We crowdfunded Pastor Derek Reimer’s case in Calgary (for peacefully protesting a drag queen story hour)
And then there’s our Libranos hearing today. It’s almost like we’re a civil liberties law firm that publishes the odd news story on the side!
I’m a bit demoralized by today’s hearing. But I won’t lose hope. I promise you I’ll keep fighting as long as you’re with me. We’ll have some exciting news to share with you next week that should raise your spirits.
As Wayne Gretzky said, you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take. At Rebel News, we take the shot for freedom. We have to do it. If not us, then who? And if not now, then when?